This is Diaspora Desperado, a newsletter about Crypto, Politics, and Tech.

Expect the future.

Hey there.

My name is Calvin. I’m an engineer in the space industry. Since I was a senior in college, I have been obsessed with Bitcoin & cryptocurrency. In an attempt to learn more about the blockchain industry, I started content & copy writing on Fiverr for all things crypto. I’ve written for CeFi trading platforms, NFT projects, new blockchains- if it’s crypto, I’m probably familiar with it.

I love this space. I want to help onboard more people to this world and introduce them to the financial rails of the 21st century. It’s intimidating, and sometimes it can feel a little clunky, but with time it’ll become a natural part of operating online. So, let’s get started and build tomorrow together today.

- Calvin

  • Malus Creations’ Space Crystal Collection — Web3 Done Right

    “I think I just saw a glimpse of the future during a preview of the Malus Creations’ Space Crystals gallery; the future is Web3, it’s NFTs, it’s the Metaverse, and it’s only getting started.”

    Read the full article here.

  • 3 reasons why you should consider Copy Trading

    Not everyone can afford to pay attention to the markets full-time. Copy trading strategies quickly build a diversified portfolio, follow industry leading experts, and save everyone time.

    Read the full article here.

Connect With Me On Your Project

Utilize my expertise in cryptocurrency investing, content writing, copywriting and more.

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Work With Me On Fiverr

Check me out on Fiverr if you want content of your own.

Content, Copy & More

"De gustibus non est disputandum."

"In matters of taste, there can be no disputes."

- Old Roman Adage